• We will answer any questions you may have about entering an establishment, etiquette, what to expect, meeting the sex-workers and more. You are free to simply walk in to our brothel any time. Walk-ins are welcomed. If you are still unsure about anything, please call and chat with our friendly receptionist.

  • Upon arrival, you will find off-street private parking, you will ring our front doorbell and reception will buzz you inside. After a quick greeting, the friendly on-staff receptionist will lead you to our intro room. Please feel free to let them know it is your first time visiting Venus Babes.

  • You can sit, relax and wait briefly for our beautiful ladies or trans ladies to come and introduce themselves; they will visit you one at a time. You can ask any questions you like during intro about fantasy, positions, your desires and which services does each lady provide.

  • A standard booking typically includes oral sex (on you) and intercourse. It is important to remember that all sex services are protected and condoms are mandatory. Our prices as listed on our prices page are for standard bookings.

  • Most ladies offer “Extras”. They can be things such as Girl Friend Experience (GFE), Porn Star Experience (PSE), Anal, Kink, Roleplay and more. These attract extra fees (which can be paid directly to the lady and price can vary). Most ladies will offer a Girlfriend Experience (GFE). A GFE really means an extra sensual booking experience that mimics the interaction couples may have. It will usually include some foreplay, oral (on you), oral (on her) and sex in multiple positions. Some of our ladies will even allow kissing but it is best to ask about kissing and extra’s during the introduction.

  • Once you have met our ladies, our receptionists will ask you with whom you would like to spend your time and which booking length you prefer. Bookings are 20, 30, 45, 60, minutes with options to extend with payment made prier to booking starting. Your chosen lady will come and escort you to one of our rooms.

  • You will always be asked to shower in the room and the lady will give you 5 minutes to do so. Your booking time begins when your shower ends, and all that is left to do is get down to business

  • If you are a little bit shy, it is perfectly fine to let our ladies take the lead, and it is okay to let them know it is your first time. Our beautiful ladies know how to show you a good time and this is their opportunity to turn you into a regular customer.

  • Special requests are welcomed and are at the discretion of the lady; a special request will usually attract a deluxe/extras fee. If you have further questions, do not hesitate to reach out to our lovely receptionists who are always happy to answer your questions. Call (03) 9580 - 5456 .

  • A lot of individuals are “Trans” curious and find the idea of having a sexual experience with a Trans lady appealing. Our Trans ladies are very experienced at nurturing someone through there first transgender experience. Be sure to tell your Trans lady that this is your first time and they will take very good care of you. Most individuals enjoy this experience and often become a regular customer. Always remember, you are safe here at Venus Babes and your experience is always confidential.

One thing to remember, our playmates love a gentleman. If you treat our playmates with respect, you will always have a good time.

Please contact our friendly staff if you wish to make a booking or discuss further. Ph (03) 9580 - 5456